Sep 29, 2020

{Review + Release Day} Rifts and Refrains by Devney Perry

Rifts and Refrains by Devney Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
THEME: Second Chances
Rifts and Refrains (Hush Note, #2)
Rifts and Refrains (Hush Note, #2)
by Devney Perry
 · 226 Ratings · 166 Reviews


From the moment Quinn Montgomery sat behind her first snare and cymbal set, she was destined for fame and glory. As Hush Note’s infamous female drummer, she sets the rhythm for the band’s chart-toppings hits. When people tap their feet to their music, it’s to her pulse. Quinn is content to live in a world away from her family and the cage of her youth. Her only regret is leaving Graham Hayes behind without a goodbye. No matter how many sold-out stadiums she plays, no matter how many crowds sing her songs, his voice haunts her when the music stops .When a family tragedy forces her to return home to Montana, she plans to leave the second she’s paid her respects. But seeing Graham again turns her life upside down. As a boy, he wasn’t able to make her stay. As a man, he might be her future .If they can mend their rifts and find solace in the refrains.

REVIEW: I'm not one to read a series our of order but anything by Devney Perry I have to read asap. Luckily this is a great series that can be read out of order, this being the second book in the series. It heavily focuses on the main couple and you get a small glimpse and the first book.

As always Devney Perry knows her audience, there is always an emotional take on her stories that hits you right in the feels and the romance is always beautifully done. I do get emotional when I read books that really hit you but I do say this book just gutted me for the female lead. I wanted to hug her and tell her that she can get through it.

Rifts and Refrains follows Quinn the female drummer from the famous band Hush Notes. She is always on the go and always dedicated to her band and bandmates. She loses herself in the music and in playing for the fans. But when a death hits the family she is brought back home to everyone she left behind. Quinn is estranged from her family and left the love of her life back home, now she has to live a week with people who are now strangers and seeing the man who still holds her heart.

Quinn is a tough woman, she is musically talented instrumentally and vocally. She has always been this way but her father didn't agree with her life choices, in the end she left and never looked back. Following Quinn and feeling her disconnect from her family just gutted me, they were so darn harsh it made me tear up. I know she left and she broke all connection and it is her fault in part, but the family should of taken responsibility too. I felt for her it was so sad to see all that she had missed and you can feel that with her. Anywho I don't want to give anything else away. But Quinn really grows, she's not the average rock star, she is one of a kind and loves deeply.

The one that got away Graham, he moved on of course. He and Quinn have to face each do to their families being so close. These two have so much chemistry but there is a lot of hurt. I loved watching them try to find out what happened and if they could ever mend those broken pieces.

Overall this is a heavy story in the sense of loss, heartbreak and family drama. I loved every minute of it because it was so real and so beautifully done. Even though it was a romance the family holds a big part of this story and that added to the love that I had for it.

View all my reviews


 “Remember when we used to lie in the back of my truck and count stars?” 
“You’d count one, then I’d count one. I think the highest we ever got was—” 
“Two hundred seventy-one.” She laughed. 
“We’d get bored and start making out.” I stepped away from the door, turning my head to the heavens so I wouldn’t stare at her lips. 
“One.” She moved closer. 
“Three.” I dropped my gaze and found hers waiting.
 “Four,” she whispered. Five came when my lips brushed against hers, slow and soft at first, teasing and testing. But then her arms wound around my shoulders and all rational thought disappeared.

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