My rating: 4 of 5 stars
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
THEME: Second Chance

Waiting for Forever (Hope Valley #8)
After a bitter divorce had left him jaded and cynical, Leo Drake thought he was done. To him, love and happiness were myths. Then the shy, sweet, coffee shop owner looked up at him with those big gray eyes and beautiful smile, and he was done for.
I really love this series, the men usually frustrate the heck out of me but in the end redeem themselves with some tough love from the women in their lives. Waiting for Forever is the 8th book in this series and I've been waiting for Danika's book, I adored her in the other books, running the towns baker/coffee shop and being sweet as heck to the other ladies.Waiting for Forever follow Danika, who runs the small town of Hope Valley's coffee shop and who is also loved to pieces by the locals. She is sweet, nerdy and shy and also has a massive soft spot and crush for one of the local detectives Leo Drake. Growing up across the street from him and never really catching his eye was the norm for her as she watched her crush from the distance. Years later and a horrible divorce, Leos eye are wide open and feel that he's missed out on the one women who truley could give him happiness, Danika.
Danika is part of the local girl posse from all the previous books, along with all the alpha men whom they all been paired with. The main reason I love this series is because it reminded me of the Rock Chicks from KAs series and I loved stories that have a strong sisterhood and support. Jessica Prince knows how to write some fun, funny and awesome moments between the ladies who always have each others backs. Danika is probably the sweetest most innocent out of the girls, she's super nerdy and can make anything sweet and yummy without blinking an eye, I swear all the food she made sounded amazing.
Leo Drake is one of the Alpha men in town and detectives, good friends with all the other boys from the past book. He went through a bad divorce with his crazy ex who literally only cares about herself. She manipluative and usues her own kids to fight battles because she's that horrible of a person. Leo is pretty much defeated becuase of his ex, he was also blind to the fact he's always had a good women near him that could of been the ONE if he'd not been full of himself at a young age. Now an adult he sees Danika, though I feel a little upset by the fact it had to take one of Danika friends whom rejected him to open his eyes to her. Again these men seem to frustrate me. But he makes up for it, especially with his awesome father and his adorable kids. His family won me over completely and I loved every moment they had with Danika.
In the end there is lots of drama due to the fact Leo's ex isnt having it with Danika being in Leo's life. The bully memories from high school just gutted me, high school for many was not without its bullying. I loved te Danika stood up for herself as well as the town always has her back. The romance was smoking hot as always and I just love a good group of friends who stick together.
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We were both sweaty and panting like we’d just run a marathon. Releasing my breast and hip, he reached for my hands and gently pried my fingers from the headboard. I would have collapsed onto the mattress in a sated heap had it not been for him holding on to me and guiding me down slowly.
Once there, he turned me to my back and hovered over me, his fingers coming up to brush the damp hair from my forehead.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
I gazed up at him, sure my grin was totally goofy as I replied, “So okay.”
The harshness that had been carved into his expression when he first entered the room was now completely gone, in its place was a look so tender and so warm it made my heart expand.
“Thank you for that,” he said quietly, leaning in to run the tip of his nose along mine.
“Pretty sure I’m the one who should be thanking you. After all, you did most of the heavy lifting.”
He chuckled for a second before his expression grew serious. “I mean it, Danika. I needed that. I needed you. That’s the brand of sweet only you’re capable of giving me because it’s just how you are.”
It had to be said that I really liked hearing that in a seriously big way
Visit Hope Valley
a series of interconnected, standalone romances
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Out of My League
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Come Back Home Again
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The Best of Me
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Wrong Side of the Tracks
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Stay With Me
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Out of the Darkness
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The Second Time Around
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Waiting for Forever
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Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.
Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.
In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.
Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.
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