Jul 25, 2011

Winners of Swag and Midnight Summer Giveaway!

Comic Con is sadly over and I have some more goodies to giveaway along with a ARC surprise for my followers..But thats tomorrow :) Today I have three followers who won some swag.


First Place: J
Second Place: Mandy P
Third Place: Red Lucai

I will be emailing you three shortly thank you to everyone who participated and stay turned for the Comic Con giveaway with an ARC of something awesome!!

For one lucky follower they will recieve a copy of Allyson James' thied book in her stormwalker series!

WINNER (chosen by random.org)

Alyssa (Readers's Refuge)

Shadow Walker (Stormwalker, #3)

Thank you to everyone who participated and keep an eye out for more giveaways :)

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