Jun 27, 2011

{Review} of Watched by Sharde Richardson (YA PNR)

WatchedWatched by Sharde Richardson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

GENRE: YA Paranormal Romance
THEME: Shapeshifter and Demons
RECEIVED: Received from Author for Review
AUTHORS BLOG: Sharde Richardons Site


Mikayla doesn’t want much: just to rock out to her favorite band, become the next Kwiki Stop video gaming champion, and keep her Q-tip habit under control. What she does want is the sight of the sudden inexplicable dark auras around everyone to stop. Problem is, those auras are demons and Mikayla is the last trait holder with the power to ban them. Which is a total buzz kill. 

To make matters worse, the town folk of Sulphur Springs don’t look the same, and her classmates are a little dark in the eyes. There are murders, suicides, reckless skinny-dipping, gratuitous use of Q-tips, and newfound powers that Mikayla must learn to control. 

Her past becomes present when a shape-shifter tells her what her true identity is, and how to keep the demons of Hell from nipping at her Converse. Through him she’ll discover who to trust, who to kiss, and how valuable her abilities are to the right beings. Because the evils of Hell aren’t staying down without a fight.

I was really excited when Sharde Richardson asked me to review her book Watched, it was on my wish list and I couldn’t of been happier. The beautiful cover originally captivated me for Watched, as always… It seems to me covers are get more exciting with every new book I find. Watched was defiantly what I would call snarky with a twist of shebang! This was a non stop thriller with everything a paranormal romance reader loves, not only is there sarcasm, angst and the goodie ness of romantic interest but the original story was so fantastic that when I hit the end, I went and re-read it.

Mikayla our lead and extremely snarky badmouth seventeen year old was brilliant. I would have befriended this girl back in high school if I’d met her.  She has a strange Q-tip habit, which I thought was hilarious whenever she was caught doing it, as some people in the book call her Q-tip girl… not something I would enjoy being called.

But anyways Mikayla has some heavy stuff to deal with, her past before thirteen is completely gone, which brought her to her adoptive parents who care very much about her. She gets hurt extremely bad and soon problems start occurring when she notices unusual auras surrounding people and family. These auras are signs of demons, which she soon finds out she is connected to in every which way.

To make matters more interesting, Lucas a mysterious boy starts working for her mother and seems to know way to much about Mikayla for her own liking. Now she has a destiny and needs to learn how to keep these demons from hell from hurting her and her friends.

I absolutely loved this book; I have to say it has entered my spot in the top five favorite YA books that I’ve read this year. It was so different with Richardson’s writing being extremely bold and really captivating me into this fantastic whirl wind of a story. The characters Mikayla and Lucas were just fantastic, I loved how Mikayla stuck to her gut feelings and really just wanted to be a normal girl. Lucas was my favorite kind of bad boy with a hint of tease.

Now for the ending, oh how it left me with my heart jumping all over the place. Meaning it was intense, shocking and down right awesome! I can’t wait to read the next installment of Sharde Richardson Watched Series. This is a much read!


This is a Young Adult Novel with minor adult language. Fan of Lauren Kate’s Fallen Series and Andrea Cremer’s Nightshade series will love this book.

View all my reviews


  1. I am so glad you loved this one. It's on my wishlist too and now I think I must have it! Thanks for the great review!
