Mar 5, 2018

{Release Blitz: Excerpt + Giveaway} of LOYALTY by Bethany-Kris


John + Siena, #1
by Bethany-Kris
Publication Date: March 5, 2018
Genres: Adult, Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime. Erotic Romance



Fresh out of prison after serving a three-year sentence, Johnathan Marcello wants to get back to normal business as a mafia capo. The rules set out for him are clear—keep out of trouble, maintain a low profile, and stay stable. But stability is a delicate balance for a man like John, and shaky ground is only a single step away.
A chance encounter with a blue-eyed woman might just change his whole world.
Siena Calabrese’s life revolves around cooking numbers, and scrubbing books clean. After all, a girl is only useful to men in the mafia, if she isn’t totally useless. As long as she does what they want, then she can maintain the illusion of freedom. But illusions are only delusions in the grand scheme of her life, and reality is far more dangerous.
A man with secrets might just be the one thing she didn’t know she needed.
In this life, family is everything. Or, that’s how it should be.
Mix it all together, and it makes for a volatile city.
A war is coming.


A louder clang echoed from downstairs, and was followed by a loud cuss. John decided it was time to get up before Siena fucking hurt herself, or something. He pulled on a pair of sleep pants to cover his lower half, but nothing was hiding the half-mast of his dick pushing against the cotton.
Fuck it.
Soon enough, John was leaning in the entryway of the kitchen, and he watched as Siena balanced on a chair while she tried to pull a mixing bowl off the highest shelf in the pantry cupboard. Her wet hair hung in rivulets down her back, and he could see just a peek of her bare ass beneath the dress shirt she had thrown on.
His shirt.
It looked far better on her.
He didn’t even mind.
Those bare legs of hers—all soft lines, and sweet curves—looked damn good as she tried to balance on one foot and stretch to reach the bowl high above her head. He was so caught up in staring at her that he didn’t even mind she had seemed to tear his cupboards apart.
Anyone else, and John’s odd tendencies about his place and things being just how he wanted them might have come out to play in a not so nice way.
But this was her.
And he didn’t mind so much with her.
“Need some help?” he asked.
She must not have heard him coming downstairs because the shriek she let out damn near burst his eardrums. Not to mention, her body swayed on the chair, and she missed her step when she set her foot back down.
John bolted forward, and barely managed to catch Siena before she hit either the chair, the floor, or fucking both. Her brown hair created a curtain over her face, and she blew out a hard breath. A couple of strands puffed forward before Siena used a hand to push the hair back.
He’d caught her just a few inches from the floor. Lucky, really.
“Make some noise,” she told him, glowering. “I almost killed myself.”
“Thank you, John,” he mocked, “for not letting that happen.”
Siena pursed her lips. “And that, too!”
She grabbed his jaw with one hand, pulled him in close, and gave him a kiss that made his dick go from half-mast to all the way hard. Damn. All it took was her teasing little tongue flicking against his lips, and then the promise of a taste of her, and there he was … ready to go again.


Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to four young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.
To keep up-to-date with new releases from Bethany-Kris, sign up to her New Release Newsletter here:


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