Aug 15, 2014

Follow Friday {77} Question Help!

Question this week from Parajunkee and Allison Can Read.
How does this work? You follow a blog, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

Q: Suggest a question! We need questions of the week for future FFs. Any ideas? I have literally tapped my creativity on FF questions…so I need you guys to be AWESOME!!!!!

A: For this week since the awesome Parajunkee and Alison need some ideas my thought is below, not sure if its already been done, but looking forward to other ideas!

My Question: If you can step into one characters shoes (in a book) and be them for a day who would it be and why? Also if you want to be creative what scene?
I have so many ideas for this question so it would be awesome  if it gets picked!


  1. Hopping through. Great idea. I love the specificity of the scene.
    My FF

  2. That would be an interesting question to answer! :D I like you blog's design. New GFC follower :)

    My FF

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  3. I would love to answer the write a scene question. It would be really fun to do, and also fun to see what other people come up with. Great question! I was already following you via GFC so I followed you on Bloglovin :)

  4. I read mostly Paranormal, so I don't think that I'd really want to step into one of my favourite characters' shoes. My sword wielding skills are totally not up to par. LOL Happy Friday!

  5. I love you site it is beautiful! I also like your questions! I am a new GFC follower.

    Kat @ The Realm of Books

  6. Great idea for the scene setting - really different.

    New GFC follower

    My FF

  7. Your question would be fun and interesting to answer. It's great!

    New GFC follower :)

    My FF
