Apr 18, 2013

{Thoughts on Thursday} Continuing a series or wait until it's finished?

Thoughts on Thursday is a feature on Seeing Night Reviews that focuses on current events in the book world, author news, and anything book related in general I would like to discuss.

This weeks Thoughts on Thursday topic is: Continuing series or wait until the end?

I'm always curious as to what fellow bloggers/authors/reviewers feel about sequels/trilogies/sreies after finishing the first book in a series that was downright awesome, do you continue? or wait? For me I'm starting to wait until the whole series is finished before continuing with the series, I'm not sure if its because I have a lot in my TBR pile or I just can't bring myself to dread waiting for each book to come out... 

Have you ever not continued a series or waited at least until the series finished to continue reading it?

I can totally answer that question for me personally... I have and I'm actually doing it right now. There are two series that I love. I'm waiting for both to end so that I can read it all in one sitting. I'm one of those reviewers who reads reviews of course and noticed some not so fun comments about what's going on, so it made me nervous to continue. Since then I stopped reading the reviews and am just going to wait until I can buy them all and read them one after another.
Chicagoland Vampire series is on of the ones I'm waiting for to finished so I can dive back into this awesome world without the stress of waiting. Luckily I have many stand alones coming out that I can do this. But I do miss this series and can't wait to see what's been happening to theses characters.

So my question is... what series (if at all) are you waiting until its finished to read?


  1. I always forget some of the key stuff even if I leave myself notes. So, I decided to wait until at least the second book comes out before starting the series. It doesn't always work that way. Sometimes, I want to be in the know with everyone else and read the first book anyway. When I read a whole series straight through,I loved it and it stayed with me for awhile. So I am no help.

  2. I usually like to read as they are released if I've already started the series, but I am finding myself more and more not having time for sequels. Once I get like 3 months behind I pretty much just tell myself to wait for the next book. :)

  3. Kelly: Thats actually a good idea, especially if the second or third doesnt come out for a year. I usually have to re- read or look at my review to refresh. Thanks for the comment!

    Sara: same here... I have a couple series that in the end I felt its better to wait until there all released since Im so behind. Thanks for the comment!

  4. I don't think I've ever waited for a series to be finished before continuing it! I get impatient! Or I miss the characters and want to continue their story. I can relate to reading a review and being a little scared. Waiting for the next book in a series is the worst. Only because it feels like its s long when it's normally only a year. ARCs a,so make it worse because then your waiting even longer! Great post :)


  5. I absolutely agree with you & I think I'm gonna have to try what your doing. It's so aggravating sometimes to wait for a book in a series, especially if its over a year (yikes!). And then once it's out, it's like do I really want to read it now. Great post!


  6. Beneath the moon and stars: I hate waiting too its does get me excited but its so hard when there is so many series to keep up. Thanks for commenting I always enjoy hearing the different ways readers continue series.

    Sharonda: I know right!! I do it with series that I know are going to be longer. The shorter ones I feel waiting isnt so hard. But those long series are tough! Thanks for commenting!
