Aug 30, 2012

Follow Friday {45} Best Cover of a book I didn't like

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #98
Question this week from Parajunkee and Allison Can Read.

Q. Best Cover? What is the best cover of a book that you read and didn't like?

A: I'm extremely picky about books that I read, I choose books that have all the bits that I enjoy and I usually make good choices and really love the books I pick. I don't post review on books that I dont enjoy, so this one is not on my blog.

There was one book a while back that I liked the cover of, it has a kick butt looking girl and looked/sounded like an urban fantasy that I would enjoy. Unfortunately I couldn't finish this book, which is rare but I just never could get back to it. 


  1. I wouldn't say that this is a pretty cover. I always have a big question mark when it comes to books that are 'angsty' yet has a cartoon-cover.
    Here's my FF. :)
    Enjoy your weekend!
    *New GFC follower. :)

  2. I agree. The girl on the cover is pretty kick-ass! It's just sad when you can't finish a book...
    New follower!

    It would be great if you could stop by my Feature and Follow Friday post. :)

  3. Love that book cover too - excellent choice - although sorry that you couldn't finish it :-(

    Tanya Patrice

  4. Thanks for the pick. I'll know to stay away from this one!

    Old follower.

    Ensconced in YA
    My FF

  5. Hi!
    I just came across your site and it is really lovely! I happily followed you and will enjoy reading your updates. You can find me over at Rainy Day Reads, It would be great if you could stop by and I would love to have a fellow book lover as a new follower.
    Christine x
    Rainy Day Reads

  6. Nice cover.

    And your blog layout is beautiful!
    New follower via GFC.

  7. That chick means business! Too bad you didn't enjoy it.

    **newest GFC follower**

    I'd love for you to check out my FF at Between the Bind.

    Jenna Lynne
