Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading, Where MizB will be asking book/reading related questions.
Q: When your stuck for a book to read next, what do you do?
A: For me I try sticking to a schedule so that I don't get stuck, I have lots of books tours that help me by marking down specific dated for reviews, so I'll know what to read next. Otherwise I read books by their months if they are ARCs or if it's a book I've been dying to read I add one of my choices to the list to read next.
For example this month I have a few books that are released right at the begining of the month. I've been pretty books with reviews so I'm trying to get those that are coming out this week reviewed. At the moment I'm reading Once by Anna Carey which comes out July 3rd. I'm about done and will have my review up this week, I'm loving this sequel to Eve.
What about you? What do you do when your stuck?
I also have a schedule, and I just read the book that's up next. If I do anything else, all of the books that I'm less interested in would get all mashed up together into a pile of boredom.