Jul 18, 2012

{Guest Post + Spotlight} of Dominick Domingo author of The Nameless Prince

Today with have a special spotlight/guest post from author Dominick Domingo about his new release The Nameless Prince.

Guest Post by Dominick Domingo: Seth Speaks
           In some ways, I’m glad it’s over. Sure, I miss Constantine and everyone else I met on ‘the Interior.’ But I know I can always visit them- I can bring them to life in my sketchbook. That’s how it all started, actually.  I was just a normal ten year-old kid living in a not-so-good neighborhood called Silver Lake. I would just make up creatures from my imagination- elves and trolls and fauns and, well- the Minotaur. I never imagined I’d come face to face with him…
            I’d been drawing that island ever since I noticed it peeking out from the others down there in the L.A. Wash. It was magical, catching the light all hours of the day. I just knew it was a portal to an alternate realm. They say I read too many fantasy books, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I didn’t believe in invisible things, I never could have rescued Elena. I never would have become the only one who could rescue her. I might have written off that island as just another homeless camp. I wouldn’t have recognized Constantine as the Gatekeeper, and my ticket to finding my best friend, Elena. He was the only one who knew how to navigate all those sewers and abandoned metro tunnels and find Mayan headquarters.
            I guess I’ll never know if those tunnels really were an enormous labyrinth. The court-ordered therapist called the whole adventure a ‘coping mechanism.’ She says it was all an ‘elaborate construct’ designed to reveal the hidden truth. About my past. It’s true- there were a lot of questions about my Mom. She split right after I was born. I had seen things and overheard things, but no one was telling me the truth. I guess it had to come out somehow.
            As much as I want to ask Elena what she remembers, I can’t. Her family wants her to forget her abduction ordeal and focus on the future. And the therapist says any talk of Interia or the Dark Forces could trigger ‘Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.’ They have a word for everything. Sometimes I wish I would forget. Maybe someday I will. But right now, it’s as real as ever, and not nearly as far-fetched as trying to raise the ten-thousand dollars to free Elena, which they were trying to do. I just decided to cut to the chase…
             In my heart I know he’s still there, hidden among the rustling trees on that tiny little island in that flood channel covered with graffiti and barbed wire- a boatman named Constantine, and a fantastic, unpredictable Kingdom known as the Interior.
nameless prince author photo.JPG
Author Bio:
Dominick Domingo is a veteran Animation Artist (Lion King, Pocahontas, Hunchback, Tarzan, Fantasia.) who's illustrated YA books for Penguin, Random House, Lowell House, Disney Publishing, Hyperion Books, and Harcourt. Developing original screenplays as a filmmaker led to a growing writing resume. To capitalize on it, Dominick recently penned a collection of Narrative Nonfiction essays titled "Jesus Shoes," two of which have been included in anthologies. One of the essays, 'L'Epiphanie,' was awarded the 2011 Solas award in the humor category for 'Best Travel Writing.' The Nameless Prince represents Dominick's foray into Young Adult urban fantasy. He'd be happy to retire as a full-time author. He lives in the Silver Lake neighborhood of L.A., surrounded by hipsters.

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