Aug 8, 2012

{Review} of Precinct 13 by Tate Hallaway

Precinct 13 by Tate Hallaway
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

GENRE: Urban Fantasy
THEME: Zombies/Vampires/Werwolves/Fae
RECEIVED: Received for review from Penguin
AUTHORS BLOG: Tate Hallaways Site

Recent college grad Alex Conner is thrilled to have landed a job as the Hughes County coroner/medical examiner in Pierre, South Dakota. But when her first day on the job ends with a missing corpse, Alex starts to wonder if she would have been better off collecting unemployment...

When the cops made some cryptic comments about being careful with the body they brought in, Alex just thought the boys in blue were messing with her. That is, until something freaky happens that no amount of med school could have prepared her for. By the time Alex gets herself together, the body has disappeared and the other residents of the morgue start talking her ear off.

After working up the courage to report the missing body, Alex is transferred to the mysterious Precinct 13 where she discovers that her new co-workers—including a cute technomage named Jack—are paranormals just like her. Now, Alex is being encouraged to use her ability to speak to the dead to solve crimes. And despite being in the middle of nowhere, Hughes County sure does have a lot of paranormal activity…

Precinct 13 I found to be a huge bundle of fun and a great new urban fantasy series that includes every kind of paranormal being there is. I haven’t read anything by Tate Hallaway yet, but if this series continues I’m definitely going to get the next book. I loved the characters, humor and really interesting plot.

Precinct 13 follows Alex, who made a bet with her best friend and soon ended up as the new county coroner. Little does she know that her new job is going to take a major one eighty and bring back things that she was trying to forget. All her life she was told she was crazy thinking magic was real, until one of her corpses gets up and walks away, thus meeting the crew in Precinct 13. She works with the precinct to find the body and stop whatever havocs it might bring.

Alex was hilarious; I love when the female lead has not only spunk but also a great sense of humor. She gets the shock of her life when she discover that she may have some magic of her own, along with an interesting new tattoo. Her character becomes more important and powerful as the book moves on and I’m curious to see how her power develops later on. Even though they were short scenes I loved her interactions with her best friend Robert that made me laugh and wish he was in more scenes.

Precinct 13 itself is full of some great colorful characters, which includes a technomage, whom I loved even more because he wears a Yoda hat, a fairy prince with an attitude problem and a werewolf/vampire fellow who I found very amusing. The whole gang working together makes for some great scenes because they just get a bit crazier and more exciting as the get deeper into the case.

Then there is the mysterious tall dark and handsome Valentine, Alex’s longtime lover and the person who told her about magic. He is her protector and so much more, which I wont give away. I enjoyed what he brought to the story and how what he is makes Alex even that more powerful.

Overall I enjoyed this series; there were a couple gaps that I hope Hallaway will dive into in the next book. She mentions Alex’s stepmother who put her in therapy and that she could be something paranormal too. Also with the mention of Alex past, I wished we could of started more from the beginning of her meeting Valentine instead of him just popping into the story. But nonetheless I did enjoy this new series and the world created was so full of fantastic details, creatures, romance and humor that Hallaway really brought it to life.

This is for urban fantasy fans and has some minor sexual content. Fans of Laurell K. Hamilton and Kim Harrison will enjoy this new world in Precinct 12 by Tate Hallaway.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great read! I don't read near enough Urban Fantasy, and Alex sounds like one of those characters i would just love!!

    -Jac @ For Love and Books
